Plans4Boat Review - The best damn wooden boat plans out there, period !
I found out about this product after looking ALL OVER the internet for some easy, fast, simple wooden boat plans....And most of the stuff that I found required some sort of experience or to join some forum and stuff like that, totally not what I wanted.
One of the most important things for me as a DYI boat builder is the ability to have some easy to follow blueprints/plans that allows me to build the boat relatively fast (we all got families and jobs) and without too many headaches...and believe when I say that most of the stuff out there is complete garbage and you will often find yourself hitting a wall.
To keep this review short, here is what I liked most about this product:
- you get 254 boat plans, and all are VERY easy to follow, step by step instructions, and you can build almost any type of boat you want
- you have the option of digital download AND to order it by PC-DVD (this here made my day when I first read)
- you get some really AMAZING bonuses when you order the product (a 3d creation software, some boat building secrets, and a handbook with a whole slew of things in it, these alone are worth more then the price)
- a great price tag for these times, only $49
- a 100% money back guarantee...just in case you don't like it and want your money back.
The only thing that I didn't like was the fact that for a complete beginner all that stuff can be a little overwhelming, mainly because you have so many plans and tips/tricks etc...
But after a few days you should be just fine, you don't need to build them all right away :)
I give this product a 4/5 and I recommend it to any person that wants to build their own boat, doesn't matter if your a beginner or a more advance builder. Just click on the image below and it will take you to the website and you can read more about this product.